Dreaming Pearl


A SuFin playlist
Mostly from Sweden’s POV.
A Baltics playlist
Heavy focus on the mid to late-20th Century period with some light-hearted tracks in between.
A DenEst playlist
What it says on the tin!
A Denmark playlist
This jumps through various periods of his life including his younger years as an empire and his adult years of regret, reconciliation, and a little bit of fun on the side.
An EstFin playlist
Focuses on both platonic and romance.
An EstNor playlist
What it says on the tin!

Spotify Only

Estonian Jams
A collection of my favourite songs from Estonian artists, regardless of language. Some tracks are missing from this playlist due to them not being on Spotify in Canada.



Fics in Progress A collection of fanfics currently in progress. The Dimensional Door A Sailor Moon, human AU featuring the Nordic-Baltic 8, Pol, and Hun from Hetalia. Poketalia AU A Pokemon, human AU featuring the majority of the cast from Hetalia. Portions of the PokeEarth projects are used for this AU. PokeEarth What would life look like if Pokemon were part of our world? This project aims to tackle that question.