
  • Rankings
  • Austria: Top 15
  • Europe: Top 50
  • Global: Top 70
  • Type Specific: Top 20 (Bug)
  • Contest: Top 10
Sophia is a top coordinator and has won several Grand Festival tiles. She comes from a long line of coordinators and it was expected of her to continue the tradition. She comes from a wealthy background and is mostly a home-body with very few friends. Unlike many of her peers, she does not take part in competitive battling and finds the whole atmosphere unpleasant. She only attends them as a spectator.
Full Name Sophia Eldestein
Age 26
Birthday October 26
Zodiac Scorpio
Occupation Pokemon Trainer
Hometown Vienna, Austria
Current Residence Vienna, Austria
Family Ties N/A
Rivals N/A
Type Specialty N/A
First Pokemon Vulpix (Alolan)
Main Pokemon Ninetales (Alolan)
Secondary Pokemon Primarina
Most Wanted Pokemon N/A
Gifted Pokemon N/A
Traded Pokemon N/A
Shiny Pokemon N/A
Mega Pokemon N/A