
  • Rankings
  • Lichtenstein: Top 5
  • Europe: Top 80
  • Global: N/A
  • Contests: Top 20
Elise is a trainer that many mistake her skills for. She is not to be taken lightly. Elise has been battling since she was a child and has been sweeping the standings in her small country. She is well-respected in German-speaking countries but still remains virtually unknown outside those borders.

Elise is skilled in both battling and contests. The latter has been her high priority as of late and it’s where she is most recognized. Elise is ranked the best in Liechtenstein but because she’s an unknown player globally, she has yet to make it to the global standings. However she goes rank in global standings for contests, sitting in the Top 20. When she retires from battling and contests, she wants to run her own daycare or work in a Pokemon school.
Full Name Henrik Vogel
Age 26
Birthday July 12
Zodiac Cancer
Occupation Pokemon Coordinator
Hometown Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Current Residence Vaduz, Lichtenstein
Family Ties N/A
Rivals N/A
Type Specialty N/A
First Pokemon Sentrent
Main Pokemon Furret
Secondary Pokemon Stoutland
Most Wanted Pokemon N/A
Gifted Pokemon N/A
Traded Pokemon N/A
Shiny Pokemon N/A
Mega Pokemon N/A