
  • Rankings
  • France: 3rd
  • Europe: Top 15
  • Global: Top 30
  • Contests: Top 5
Françoise is a woman who loves the glitz and glamour of Parisian life. She was a model for some time while participating in Pokemon Contests and winning several Grand Festival titles. While she still regularly performs in Contests, she is active in competitive battling and earning the title as one of the best trainers in all of France. She is actively curious about Pokemon Styling and fashion and is eager to find her place and learn from her idols.
Full Name Françoise Bonnefoy
Age 30
Birthday July 14
Zodiac Cancer
Occupation Pokemon Trainer & Coordinator
Hometown Paris, France
Current Residence Paris, France
Family Ties Madeleine Williams (cousin)
Rivals Rose Kirkland
Type Specialty N/A
First Pokemon Roselia
Main Pokemon Roserade
Secondary Pokemon Milotic
Most Wanted Pokemon Gardevoir
Gifted Pokemon N/A
Traded Pokemon N/A
Shiny Pokemon N/A
Mega Pokemon N/A