
  • Rankings
  • Sweden: 5th
  • EU: Top 30
  • Global: Top 50
Birgitta was once a major player on the battle scene but has since taken a step back to pursue other activities. She dreams of running her own daycare and is currently building her facility not far from where she lives. She still enjoys partaking in competitions however (and preferring to stay close to home) and very rarely backs down from a challenge. Just don’t expect her to go easy on you!
Full Name Birgitta Oxenstjärna
Age 27
Birthday June 06
Zodiac Gemini
Occupation Pokemon Trainer
Hometown Stockholm, Sweden
Current Residence Stockholm, Sweden
Family Ties N/A
Rivals N/A
Type Specialty N/A
First Pokemon Gible
Main Pokemon Garchomp
Secondary Pokemon Kingler
Most Wanted Pokemon N/A
Gifted Pokemon N/A
Traded Pokemon N/A
Shiny Pokemon Bewear
Mega Pokemon Garchomp