
  • Rankings
  • Belgium: 7th
  • Europe: Top 60
  • Global: N/A
A friendly and upbeat trainer, Emma is one who battles for fun and not for fame or money. Between her and her brothers, she has been battling the longest. She participated in her first tournament out on a whim and won. Her interest was then sparked and she hasn’t slowed down since. In Belgium, she ranks in the Top 10 but doesn’t make the cut in global standings.

Emma loves to cook and is known for running a blog that shares her Pokemon recipes. Her brother has her curious about contests but has yet to compete in one. Emma doesn’t think she’ll ever stop battling professionally but she thinks she’ll stick to European tournaments as time goes on.
Full Name Emma Vandenberghe
Age 26
Birthday July 21
Zodiac Cancer
Occupation Pokemon Trainer
Hometown Brussels, Belgium
Current Residence Brussels, Belgium
Family Ties Jan (step-brother), Laurent (half-brother)
Rivals N/A
Type Specialty N/A
First Pokemon Skitty
Main Pokemon Delcatty
Secondary Pokemon Lopunny
Most Wanted Pokemon Milcery, Swirlix
Gifted Pokemon Buneary (step-father), Meowth (Jan)
Traded Pokemon N/A
Shiny Pokemon N/A