
  • Rankings
  • Moldova: N/A
  • Europe: N/A
  • Global: N/A
Augustin is a child with big dreams. He wants to follow in the footsteps of his older brother Andrei and compete on the world stage. He hasn’t participated in any special tournaments for kids under 10 as of yet, but he’s won several battles already and he feels confident he can accomplish his goals. Andrei though tries to keep him grounded, reminding him that it’s not as easy as it seems.
Full Name Augustin Cebotari
Age 8
Birthday August 27
Zodiac Virgo
Occupation Student
Hometown Chișinău, Moldova
Current Residence Bucharest, Romania
Family Ties Andrei (half-brother)
Rivals Andrei Mihăileanu
Type Specialty N/A
First Pokemon Farfetch’d
Main Pokemon Farfetch’d
Secondary Pokemon Sceptile
Most Wanted Pokemon N/A
Gifted Pokemon N/A
Traded Pokemon N/A
Shiny Pokemon N/A